Vaginal Lightening

Vaginal Lightening

Female sexuality and even the words “vagina and vulva” have been quite taboo in societies when we go back further. The vulva is such an elephant in the corner that it took place in the medical literature too late. In this article, I will mention the vulva and a small operation applied to the vulva.
First of all, it took a very long time to understand the structure of the vagina. For example, Galen, one of the leading medical researchers of the Roman Empire, in the 2nd century A.D, imagined “an inside-out penis” about the vagina, which was not just an analogy, was a common belief at that time that men and women shared the same sexual organ.
After the 1500s, with the Renaissance, anatomists were free to examine reproductive organs, but the pictures of reproductive organs they drew were considered scandalous and censored by the church. For this reason, even Flemish doctor Andreas Vesalius, known the father of anatomy, saw the clitoris as an abnormal part that was absent in healthy women. He even stuck to the view that the vagina is a defective version of the penis. The mystery behind the vagina unveiled with the arrival of the Age of Enlightenment and the printing press.

Considering all this, it shouldn’t be surprising that even in today’s world, women’s relationships with their bodies are much weaker and more negatively than men’s. Growing up, most boys do not face any restrictions on wondering and exploring their bodies, while girls condition their bodies to see through the eyes of others. Therefore, while a man recognizes and accepts his body at an earlier age, this process progresses much more slowly in women, and even many women do not have the chance to discover their bodies.
Compared to men, women like their size much less compared to popular models. A woman who is not satisfied with her body is also lacking to feel sexually desirable or desire.
If we look at it, the middle age period is one of the most comfortable periods of female sexuality because sexuality is learned and developed over time. At this point, there are some problems that women experience with their vulva. The first of these is vaginal darkening. In other words, ‘Genital hyperpigmentation.’


The aging process occurs in the same way as other parts of the body in the genital-perineal and adjacent areas. Therefore, besides the loss of this elasticity and firmness, the color change may also be observed; This creates an unpleasant “spotted skin” called hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation of the genital area; is a disorder from excessive melanin production that causes darkening of the skin in the genital-perineal area, inner thighs, and groin.

The biggest reason for the darkening of the color of the genital area is the intense estrogen hormone found here. Color cells called melanocytes in the genital area take action by merging the estrogen hormone with sunlight. As a result, melanin pigments are excreted, and color darkening occurs in this area. The fact that the genital area is covered with clothing or hair does not prevent sunlight from reaching this area. Sun rays can easily do that and cause problems such as darkening and spots. As a result, pigments called melanin are secreted, and color darkening occurs in this area.
To sum up, in the darkening of the color of the genital area, the following causes are influential;

  • Increased estrogen density in the genital area due to pregnancy or birth control pills
  • Progression of age
  • Hair removal procedures to the genital area
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Overwork of the adrenal glands
  • Regular use of hormone drugs
  • Some cream or medications applied to the genital area
  • Surgical procedures to the genital area
  • Genetic factors
  • Over-exposure to the sun’s rays
  • Being dark-skinned

Color darkening in the genital area negatively affects the patients’ self-respect and sex life. In this way, it impairs the quality of life. 70% of adults depilate their body hair, and the genital area is the most depilated part of the body. Hyperpigmentation occurs in 90% of pregnant women; in addition to the face, the most affected parts of the body are external genitals, groin, nipples, areolas, and armpits.

So what are our solutions?

  • Injection of specially produced, PH-optimized ingredients as topically or subcutaneous
  • Taking advantage of the melanin suppression and lysis features of some laser methods
  • Disposable masks produced for the genital area

In addition to being extremely efficient in vaginal lightening procedures, these three methods are highly preferred because of the return speed to daily life after the operation. Darkness in the bikini and armpit areas are problems that can be eliminated in a controlled manner. With today’s technology, processes taking a short time increase the quality of life and support one’s self-confidence.

The laser beams applied in these treatments are only a few millimeters below the skin. Since it does not go too deep, it has no harm or side effects to the uterus, menstrual cycle, and ovaries. Besides, it does not affect sexual pleasure. There is no risk. It is considered normal to see a rash sunburn-like in the genital area for the first 24 hours after this lightening treatment. From the 2nd day after the application, the skin starts to incrust and peel. Skin peeling continues for seven days, and the skin continues to turn pink for the next 3-6 weeks. The results of this treatment begin to be received after a month.

  • Sunbathing or solarium is not requested after the application
  • Suggested creams should be used regularly.
  • On the day of the application, patients can return home and continue their daily lives.
  • A week must be waited to have sexual intercourse because exactly tissue healing occurs after one week.
  • Swelling, edema, redness, and inflammation may occur in the first days after the application. These are considered normal and get better in a short time.

As you can see, with a minor operation you can get rid of a problem that can make you very unhappy.

It’s your choice

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